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Engineering and Technology courses develop

and enhance students' technological literacy

or understanding of how technological

systems function and impact society, the

environment, and the global economy.

Engineering and Technology is activity based

and includes topics related to invention,

intervention, and innovation.


Project Lead the Way (PLTW)
The primary goal of PLTW is to grow the nation's technology workforce (engineers and technicians). Currently, 1,300,000 engineering/engineering technology jobs are available in the U.S. without trained people to fill them. The PLTW curriculum provides the kind of student work that helps students reach higher standards in the academic core


An Engineering and Technology program should provide opportunities for students to gain the following knowledge, skills, and abilities:

  • Apply creative problem solving, critical thinking, teamwork, leadership, acceptance of personal responsibility and other skills using a variety of resources (including information, tools, and materials) to identify/define/solve problems.

  • Design, build, test, and modify products and solutions to problems.

  • Develop a conceptual understanding of technological contexts (medical, agricultural,

    communication, transportation, power and energy, manufacturing, and construction) and engineering contexts (mechanical, structural, fluid, electrical, electronics, optical, thermal, biotechnical, and materials).

  • Understand the interrelationship between the resource/input, process, output, and feedback elements of technological systems.

  • Use contemporary technologies to communicate, process, manipulate, collect, and apply information to solve technical problems.

  • Integrate and apply concepts from Kentucky Core Content to contemporary technology.

  • Develop competencies in the safe and efficient use of tools, machines, materials, and


  • Identify opportunities, characteristics, and preparation requirements for current and emerging

    technological occupations.

  • Explore entrepreneurship and its place within the free enterprise system as a means to

    becoming a self-sufficient individual.

  • Understand and appreciate both the importance and the dynamic nature of technology.

  • Prepare for the challenges of a dynamic world through gaining skills in technological

    literacy, leadership, and problem solving, resulting in personal growth and opportunity. 



Step 1: Intro to Engineering Design

1 credit

Prerequisite: Algebra I or currently enrolled

9th-12th grade

Students dig deep into the engineering design process, applying math, science, and engineering standards to hands-on projects. They work both individually and in teams to design solutions to a variety of problems using 3D modeling software, and use an engineering notebook to document their work.

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